Vinyl Liner

Custom Pool Designs

Liner pools are highly customizable; above are some common designs, but almost any shape can be chosen for your pool. Additionally, custom steps, benching, and sundecks can be added for even more customization.

What liner pattern suits you?

With 30+ liner patterns to choose from, your pool will look just the way you want it.

Why get a vinyl Liner Pool?

Here are a few good reasons why you should consider a vinyl liner pool:

  • Vinyl liner pools are highly customizable both inside and out. Nearly any shape you can draw on paper can be used for the exterior design of the pool.
  • The same customization goes for the interior structures such as benches, stairs, and sundecks. 
  • Liner patterns can also add custom flair to a pool; our liners are offered with or without border patterns and some offer textured material as well. 
  • Vinyl liner pools tend to have a slightly lower cost of installation when compared to fiberglass.
  • Our vinyl liners come with a 20 year prorated warranty through the manufacturer. 
  • A liner replacement can make the pool look like new after years of use.

Vinyl Liner Considerations

A few things to consider before buying a vinyl liner pool:

  • Vinyl liner pools are restricted in size to 80′ in length or width and depths greater than 8′ may result in additional costs. 
  • Liners are sensitive to water chemistry and may bleach if left unchecked. With proper chemistry, it’s possible to get 8-10 or more years out of a liner. A typical liner replacement will cost $3,000 and up depending on the pool’s size and presence of custom features.

See more of our Vinyl liner projects

For any questions contact our installation specialist!

Work Phone: 937-371-1842
Westen Davis
Installation Specialist